News July 12, 2021

The Zambian Rural Electrification Authority to work with REEEP to leverage its Edison platform to monitor & support Zambia’s rural electrification programme


The Rural Electrification Authority of Zambia (REA) and REEEP announced today that they had signed a memorandum of understanding outlining a joint effort to leverage the Edison data platform, originally developed to collect and analyze data for the Power Africa Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia, to monitor and support Zambia’s broader electrification efforts with advanced data collection and analysis on behalf of the REA. This effort underscores the two organizations’ shared commitment to promoting and engendering access to modern, clean energy for rural and underserved Zambians.

The Rural Electrification Authority of Zambia (REA), created by an Act of Parliament in 2003, has a mandate to provide electricity infrastructure to all rural areas using appropriate technologies. The REA’s aim is to increase the electrification rate to 51% by 2030, and thereby enhance living standards and productivity, while improving quality of life for all Zambians. In the next few years, the REA is the focal point of a number of initiatives – including capital subsidy support, solar, mini-grid and hydro projects – that will enable new and existing energy service providers to reach thousands of new customers in rural and peri-urban areas.

The REEEP team has begun working with the REA to utilize the Edison data platform to monitor these initiatives, building on the success of the Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia (BGFZ), which has already helped energy service providers in the country provide energy services to over a million Zambians. REEEP created the Edison data platform for BGFZ, providing the Fund with real-time, accurate and precise data and information on energy services, giving the program as well as ordinary Zambians an unprecedented and transparent view into the Fund’s impact and results.

“We are excited to begin this partnership with REEEP and their Edison team, and to help give REA the big data and analytics tools it needs to ensure Zambia’s rural people are getting the affordable smart power they have been promised for decades with operation and maintenance capabilities that make it sustainable,” said Clement Silavwe, Chief Executive Officer of the REA.

The partnership with REEEP will begin by launching a pilot data collection effort for a new REA programme to turn existing solar-powered hummer-mills in rural areas into mini-grids, bringing power to local villages. The REA-REEEP pilot is being generously funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) as part of its ongoing support to the Edison initiative.

"In the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency, REEEP initiates and invests in projects for market development, captures and reacts to project experiences, and generates evidence-based intelligence toward further growing and replicating promising models. Data is a key element of this effort, and the potential benefits of improved data collection and monitoring for Zambia are enormous, especially as we see the sector advance so rapidly. Through Edison, we will work towards ensuring that the huge volume of data generated in these efforts is handled responsibly and for the good of the Zambian people."

Magdalena Kouneva
Company: REEEP
Position: Director General

REEEP will also support the REA in understanding and mapping out its long-term needs in data collection and monitoring, with a view to develop a broader plan for REA to leverage Edison to monitor its portfolio of electrification projects, including a planned handover of Edison operations and system infrastructure to the REA.



About The Zambian Rural Electrification Authority

REA is a Zambian statutory body created by an Act of Parliament No. 20 of 2003 to provide electricity infrastructure to all rural areas using appropriate technologies in order to increase access, productivity and contribute to improved quality of life. REA’s goal is to increase the electrification rate from 3% to 51% by 2030.


Founded at the 2002 Earth Summit in Johannesburg, the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) seeks to accelerate market readiness for clean energy and energy access in developing and emerging markets for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. REEEP develops innovative, efficient financing mechanisms to advance market readiness for clean energy services in low- and middle-income countries, utilising targeted injections of public funding to build dynamic, sustainable markets and ultimately make clean energy and energy efficiency technology accessible and affordable to all.

About Edison

Edison is a data platform with automated daily posts of data from market participants in off-grid electrification programmes. Edison offers customised dashboards, visualisations and access to data to provide a monitoring service for programme managers, market intelligence for the off-grid industry and financial institutions, and data and knowledge to inform policy-makers.

To visit the Edison website, click here.


Media Contacts

Choolwe Kasamu, Senior Corporate Affairs Officer, REA

Erin Stewart, Communications Manager, REEEP

John Tkacik, Director of Data & Analytics, REEEP (for Edison)

Learn more about the SOARING programme

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