
We are very pleased to announce that Eva Kelly Oberender has taken on the role of CEO of REEEP.

In her over 15 years with REEEP, she has taken on a variety of leading strategic roles and been integral in driving forward REEEP’s mission to advance market readiness for clean energy services in low- and middle-income countries. In this time, REEEP has developed into a trusted market player which catalyses further investment into projects and has gained extensive experience in driving private sector growth.

From 2007-2012 Eva led REEEP’s Southeast Asia and Pacific Regional Secretariat based in Melbourne. Since 2012, she has worked with REEEP in various senior and executive roles on a regional & global level, including steering the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) on the management team, which last year reached 2 billion USD in financing leveraged. She was an advisor on the REEEP-designed Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia (BGFZ) pilot programme, which has since been developed into a multi-donor facility operating in 6 countries as the Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa (BGFA).

Her expertise has also been invaluable in developing current programmes including the Southern African Renewable Energy Investment and Growth Programme (SOARING) programme, which is taking a prototype approach to enable SMEs working with clean energy and productive use technologies leveraging solar to access climate finance. She is also a strategic lead on the Nepal Credit Guarantee Fund, which is a first loss guarantee fund for clean energy SMEs.

Having worked in the private, non-governmental and the government sectors, Eva has a wealth of knowledge about the various needs and agendas of each of these sectors. She holds degrees in economics, linguistics and environmental policy and speaks several languages including English, German and Czech fluently.

We are looking forward to working closer with Eva, in particular on two major milestones: we are soon to be reaching 20 years of REEEP and putting out our 11th call for projects. The next call will focus on agrifood values chains and productive use of energy, furthering REEEP’s commitment to facilitating long-term market development. This will be in tandem with a variety of events and publications looking back on two decades of REEEP’s impact on strengthening markets for clean energy services for the benefit of vulnerable populations worldwide.

We are proud to have Eva take the helm as CEO as she leads REEEP into its third decade!