According to the UN FAO, lack of access to affordable irrigation is the number one factor keeping 400 million farmers in poverty.
The Sunflower Solar Pump is a simple renewable-powered irrigation device with the potential to displace millions of fossil fuel irrigation pumps globally. For farmers who are irrigating manually or not at all, and for small commercial farmers looking for alternatives to expensive fossil fuel pumps, it offers a compelling economic case.
Following REEEP-supported field trials in Ethiopia and extensive supply chain and manufacturing research in Asia, the product is ready for marketing on a wide scale in sub-Saharan Africa.
Kenya has 2.2 million small holders farming less than two hectares, and a further 740,000 small farms of between two and 10 hectares. Burkina Faso already has a successful distribution network built for the Volanta Hand Pump that can be used for this product.
Photo (right): Nick Jeffries
To build a distribution network for the Sunflower Solar Pump in Kenya and to launch a pilot dissemination in Burkina Faso.
Activities are designed to reach tipping point for scale and organisational viability:
Photo (left): Nick Jeffries