Market analysis and policy research for biomass briquetting in China




Briquetting is the process of converting low bulk density biomass into high density fuel briquettes that offer a high concentration of energy. As a greenhouse gas neutral replacement for conventional fossil fuels, biomass briquettes will take on increasing importance in China’s next five-year plan.  Currently, the biomass briquette industry is underdeveloped due to a lack of favourable policies encouraging it.


To accelerate the development of the biomass briquette industry in China with a study that analyzes the status quo and makes policy recommendations for how it can be more effectively promoted.


Photo: Suzhou Devotion Bio-Energy Co.,Ltd, Jiangsu


Main Activities

  • Analyse current status of biomass briquetting  in China and abroad, including the types of raw materials used, equipments, potential customers, and greenhouse gas reductions
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of biomass briquetting policies in China v. best practices in other countries in terms of regulations, specifications, control methods, inspection procedures, administration protocols, emergency response measures
  • Do a feasibility study of introducing  best practices in China; develop an industrial model and a policy research report based on this analysis
  • Depict China’s development roadmap in this field based on the aforementioned studies
  • Hold several workshops among scientists, entrepreneurs,  government officials to refine policy plans
  • Work with entities such as the NEA and local industry associations to promote the actual implementation of the policies

Expected Impact

  • Clear and comprehensive overview of the industry status and policy best practices provided to Chinese policy-makers in the biomass briquetting field
  • Favorable policies assist China in fulfilling the 12th five year plan goal of 10 million tons biomass briquettes in use by 2015
  • Significant increase in the market size for biomass briquettes, with corresponding boost in production capacity
  • Increased share for clean energy in remote and rural areas through more use of biomass briquettes in the energy mix
  • Creation of jobs and improved income prospects for urban and rural residents
Programme Sector
Renewable Energy (RE) (Policy & Regulation)
2011 - 2012
€ 310,000 including co-funding from Guanzhou Insitutue of energy conversion, Chinese academy of science
Implementing Agency
Guangzhou Institution of Energy Conversion, Chinese academy of Science
REEEP grant funded by
United Kingdom
REEEP grant funded by