Scaling up a feedstock supply chain for biomass briquetting in rural Kenya


Existing biomass briquetting plants in Kenya generally operate at a very small scale and are often unable to cater for large-scale industrial and consumer demand. GSSL is a private sector company that aims to establish large-scale biomass briquetting plants in strategic locations around Kenya.

Their business model integrates both small-scale and larger producers of agricultural waste and caters to both industrial and consumer demand for solid fuels, at a scale ensuring long-term viability.

Private sector investors and donors are funding the hardware for the pilot large-scale briquetting plant. REEEP funding will help demonstrate a replicable strategy for an effective feedstock supply chain that impacts local communities and provides green jobs.



To establish a first large-scale briquetting plant that provides a commercially viable and replicable feedstock model suited to conditions in Kenya


Phot (right): Rural maize farmers in Kenya now have agricultural waste as a source of generating income.


Main Activities

  • Undertake a Kenya-wide survey of feedstock types, their locations and quantities; select plant location
  • Design and commission installation of briquetting plant
  • Secure sufficient feedstock to run the pilot plant on a commercial basis
  • Optimise feedstock via tests to determine calorific value for pricing, calibrate briquette production
  • Develop a scale up strategy taking into account local sources of feedstock and demand for briquettes
  • Identify related feedstock producers, aggregators, community associations and integrate other rural enterprise schemes into the supply chain
  • Assess carbon impact of the project, develop strategy to utilise carbon income and emission reductions

Expected Impact

  • Establishment of a  replicable and scalable business model for large scale briquetting in Kenya
  • Replacement of non-sustainable fuels with briquettes
  • Reduced pressure on forests: estimated 65,000 trees saved per briquetting plant
  • Creation of market for previously worthless agricultural waste
  • Integration of approx., 6000 rural low income households into the feedstock supply chain
  • Creation of employment opportunities at the plant
  • Enhanced fuel security from indigenous renewable sources
  • Release of follow on investment from commercial sources for scale up and replication of the business model
Programme sector
Renewable Energy (RE) (Business & Finance)
2013 - 2014
€915,000 including co-funding from Global Supply Solutions, Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (REACT) and other investing partners
Implementing Agency
Station Energy
Implementing agency
Global Supply Solutions Limited
REEEP grant funded by