At COP28, Parties agreed to triple global renewable energy generation capacity, double the rate of energy efficiency improvements, and accelerate zero- and low-emission technologies. Realizing such an expansion of clean energy and efficiency improvements will require a massive scaling up of climate finance. 

Members of the Vienna Energy Club event will explore approaches and options to mobilize and direct the necessary investment in low-carbon technology, in both developed countries and emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs), accounting for considerations of fairness in global mitigation efforts and investments.  

Across two diverse panels representing international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, speakers will share perspectives on challenges, opportunities and success stories related to financing clean energy to realize both decarbonization objectives and climate resilience, at project and policy levels. 

The discussion will cover the role of capacity building and leveraging public finances to unlock private investment, together with effective policy frameworks and regulatory environments, in financing clean energy projects. Mobilizing large scale investment by governments, the private sector, and multilateral development banks — including the potential for new partnerships, new sources of financing and new approaches to managing financial risk — will also be explored.  

Tuesday, 19 November

11:00-12:00 Azerbaijan Time (GMT + 4)

SDG7 Global South Pavilion, Blue Zone, COP29
Baku, Azerbaijan

REEEP's speaker

Alexandra Chupina
Senior Development and Partnerships Officer

Event Partners
