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  • Study on ancillary services and grid connection standardisation for integrating RE into Chinese smart grid

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Study on ancillary services and grid connection standardisation for integrating renewable energy into the Chinese smart grid


Integrating a high share of renewable energy into the grid brings with it a host of technical challenges, and at the time of the project, a lack of widespread understanding of these issues was felt to be slowing the development of sustainable energy projects in many countries including China.

These issues clustered into questions around ancillary services, or how to support the transmission of electric power from seller to buyer purchaser in a complex environment where many parties are involved and reliability of service must be assured and into the standards for the actual grid connection.

REEEP assessed that presenting suggestions on the ancillary services in the smart grid and unifying the grid connection standards relating to renewable energy would help increase China’s share of renewable energy and reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels. One province in Northeast China was be selected for a case study on the topic. Based on this study, recommendations regarding ancillary services and grid connection standards for renewable energy were proposed and validated.



To make suggestions on improving ancillary services and to propose standards for grid connection of renewable energy into the Chinese smart grid, using a province in Northeast China as a case study in their development.


Main Activities

  • Analyse the ancillary services of conventional power generation
  • Conduct a study on the implementation of ancillary services in generation of energy from renewable sources
  • Present suggestions on ancillary services in a smart grid to enhance renewable energy (RE) generation
  • Analyse the existing technical rules and standards for the grid
  • Present suggestions for improving grid connection standards for renewables
  • Submit a report and hold dissemination workshop

Expected Impact

  • Understanding by decision makers at NEA (National Energy Administration) and SERC (State Electricity Regulatory Commission) of the technical and institutional challenges of integrating renewable energy into the grid
  • Concrete suggestions provided on new incentives in ancillary services for facilitating the grid integration of renewable energy
  • Needs pinpointed for new grid connection standards and impetus provided for development and regulation of the standards
Programme Sector
Energy Efficiency / Policy and Regulation
2011 - 2013
€ 149,940
REEEP grant funded by
United Kingdom
REEEP grant funded by