Our Portfolio

Expansion and scale-up of CTI PFAN in South Africa, Mozambique and Uganda




The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) is a successful public private partnership initiated by the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) which acts as a financing coaching and investor matchmaking service to guide clean and renewable energy (CE/RE) projects to bankability and financial close. Services are provided to selected CE/RE projects in developing countries free of charge.

Regional PFAN networks have been established in
Latin America, Africa, Asia and CIS/Eastern Europe, with dedicated country networks and activities in China and India. A previous REEEP project funded the expansion of PFAN activities to include Mozambique and Uganda.


To expand and scale up PFAN activities in South Africa, and to support expansion in Mozambique and Uganda


Main Activities

  • Expand and scale up PFAN Networks in South Africa, Mozambique and Uganda, increasing numbers of local network members
  • Capacity-building to enhance ability of local stakeholders to identify/develop new projects
  • Identify and develop 6-15 projects for inclusion in PFAN’s development pipeline for receipt of guidance on project proposal and financing with specific emphasis on South Africa; and 7 projects for participation in the second Africa Forum for Clean Energy Financing (AFRICEF2)
  • Achieve financial closure on 4 – 8 medium scale CE/RE projects (biomass-to-energy, solar, hydro, wind), raising a total of $US 6-25 million

Expected Impact

  • Reduction of the perceived obstacles to the mainstreaming of financing for CE/RE projects in South Africa, Mozambique and Uganda.
  • Increased access to financing networks and investment for local clean energy project developers and entrepreneurs
  • Scale up of investment in CE/RE in South Africa; continued pace in Mozambique and Uganda
  • Enhanced capability in local institutions (NGOs, government agencies) for evaluating or creating projects using renewable technology
ZA/South Africa, MZ/Mozambique, UG/Uganda
Programme Sector
RE & EE (Business & Finance)
2011 - 2013
€ 185,000 including co-funding from Climate Technology Initiative (CTI), USAID
Implementing Agency
International Center for Environmental Technology Transfer (ICETT)
REEEP grant funded by
United Kingdom
REEEP grant funded by