
Join REEEP at COP26: Mobilising private sector finance in Africa to achieve SDG7 – November 9th

  • Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • 09-11-2021
  • 16:45 to 18:00

The Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa is incentivising the private sector to scale up access to clean and affordable off-grid energy outcomes.

In collaboration with Sweden, Denmark and Nefco, REEEP is co-organising a COP26 side event, “Mobilising private sector finance in Africa to achieve SDG7 – The Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa is incentivising the private sector to scale up access to clean and affordable off-grid energy outcomes”.

Off-grid solutions have played a key role in extending energy access to millions of people. More investments are essential to accelerate the deployment of it. The Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa (BGFA) is a multi-donor programme, which incentivises the private sector to offer affordable and clean energy access to people in rural areas, in Sub-Saharan African countries. The aim is to enable the establishment of up to 1.35 million energy connections and benefit more than 6 million people by 2026.

The discussions will look at how off-grid electrification can be incentivised and explore financing opportunities for the private sector. The side event will also present first results from the piloting programme in Zambia.


Side event schedule and location:

Date: Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Time: 16:45 – 18:00 GMT

Location: Room: Glen Affric Multimedia Studio 3 + Online streaming


Tomas Anker Christensen
Company: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Position: Climate Ambassador
Koen Peters
Company: GOGLA
Position: Executive Director
Peter Storey
Company: REEEP
Position: Director of Investment and Strategy
Ash Sharma
Company: Nefco
Position: Head of the Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa



by Per Olsson Fridh, Minister for International Development Cooperation of Sweden


by Moderator


by Koen Peters, Executive Director at GOGLA: The business case for SDG7 investment to reach the rural poor


by Peter Storey, Director of Investment and Strategy, REEEP – Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership: First implementation results in BGFZ and the scale to BGFA

Panel discussion

Q&A and conclusions

Room: Glen Affric Multimedia Studio 3 + Online streaming

Event Partners


Online streaming

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