News September 30, 2019

Martin Hiller steps down as REEEP Director General


After 8 years at the helm of REEEP, Martin Hiller has decided to step down as Director General at REEEP in order to start an independent consultancy business jointly with his wife and other partners.

Martin has full confidence that he is leaving REEEP at a stage where it is more successful than ever before, and in the hands of an excellent team. REEEP is now on a steady growth path and plans to deliver ever more innovation and impact.


As of the end of September, the Governing Board are reviewing the REEEP Strategic Business Plan 2020-2023 before deciding on a future operational and strategic leadership setup. In the interim, the REEEP Management Team has been strengthened by Maher Chebbo, the Chair of the Governing Board, who holds full interim executive responsibility for REEEP according to our statutes.

We will be missing Martin Hiller’s energy, passion and human qualities but are looking forward to the next exciting phase at REEEP, and fully committed to continue to implement our successful programmes, grow our impact and build on our achievements.

Letter from the REEEP Governing Board to Martin Hiller

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